Celebrating 1 year running the pub

By Phil & Kathryn Farrelly, 22 November 2024

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IT’S THE WEEKEND! And it’s a special one for us…

We are celebrating our 1 year Anniversary of running the Dog and Bacon! It’s officially not until Tuesday, but it’s the weekend so we are celebrating it early!

Tonight, we have the Wild Cow food truck in the car park! Come and have a night off from the cooking and enjoy a drink in the bar while you eat. Then, tomorrow evening, we have the amazing David Hay Band playing for us from 8.30pm. Come and join us in celebrating our Anniversary.

Then on Sunday we have Wild Cow back again doing their Sunday Roast Club, serving from the car park from 1pm to 4pm. It’d be great to see you all at some point over the weekend.

Thank you to everyone that has supported us in our first year: family, friends (old and new), and staff too. We couldn’t have done any of this without you.

Here’s to the next 5 years!

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